This is significant simply because Petroglyph Games comprises many individuals who originally worked with Westwood Studios. The company that made the earlier C&C games. In fact, the founders of Petroglyph Games consists of the C&C co-creator Joe Bostic, Red Alert Lead Programmer Steve Tall, and Westwood audio technician Mike Legg.
Adding on to this is Lemon Sky Studios’ announcement that it will also be part of the effort to remaster the classic C&C games. If you want their portfolio, the company have dipped their hands in games like Starcraft: Remastered, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, Bloodborne, Gears of War and Dead Rising 3. As for the games that will be remastered first, EA announced that the first titles on the line is Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn followed by Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Specifically, they will be remastered with all of their expansion packs bundled in, but at the same time, it states that development hasn’t started yet. So it can be awhile before we see any of them. (Source: EA) Edited by John Law